Kandungan vitamin dan mineral dalam ASI
dipengaruhi oleh simpanan dalam tubuh ibu, bukan dari asupan vitamin dan
mineral secara langsung. Sebuah penelitian memperlihatkan
asupan kalsium ibu tidak mempengaruhi jumlah kalsium dalam ASI tetapi
mempengaruhi densitas tulang ibu. Jadi, makanan Ibu tak terlalu
berpengaruh terhadap kualitas ASI namun mempengaruhi "simpanan" dalam
tubuh Ibu. Namun Bila Ibu membatasi asupan dalam jangka panjang, pada
akhirnya kualitas pun bisa berubah. Subhanallah... begitu sayangnya
Allah pada setiap bayi
*bagi manusia yg mau berfikir*
Hasil Diskusi nya :
jcem.endojournals.org/content/86/6/2344.fullLactationThe typical daily loss of calcium in breast milk has been estimated to range from280–400 mg, although daily losses as great as 1000 mg calcium have beenreported. Again, the mother could theoretically meet this demand by increasingthe intestinal absorption of calcium, decreasing renal calcium losses, andincreasing the resorption of calcium from the maternal skeleton. A temporarydemineralization of the skeleton seems to be the main mechanism by whichlactating women meet these calcium requirements. This demineralization doesnot seem to be mediated by PTH or 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, but may bemediated by PTHrP in the setting of a fall in estrogen levels.
Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and Bone Health
This is a public information piece. Maintaining bone health during pregnancy and breastfeeding is important for lifelong health and osteoporosis prevention.
Hasil Diskusi lengkap nya,,bisa di lihat di https://www.facebook.com/groups/tanya.asi/permalink/10150595003216026/
*bagi manusia yg mau berfikir*
Hasil Diskusi nya :
- Fakta kehebatan ASI masih banyak yg belum tahu, bahkan masih banyak yg mengingkarinya. Pdhl dlm AQur'an sendiri lebih dr 5 ayat berisikan mengenai penyusuan, lalu ditambah hadist berisikan azab bagi wanita yg menolak menyusui dimana wanita ini adl salah satu ciri wanita penghuni neraka -na'udzubillahi min dzalik.
- ASI adl PEMBANGUN SISTEM IMUN yg dipersiapkan oleh Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala untuk anak. Sungguh Allah Maha Besar dg ciptaanNya..
- Jika melihat uraian diatas maka ibu menyusui rentan utk terjadi osteoporosis, pdhl FAKTAnya adl Ibu menyusui memiliki resiko yang lebih rendah terkena osteoporosis pd masa kini dan masa tua bahkan hampir tidak terjadi. Alhamdulillah kita menyusui shg saat jd nenek nanti tdk bungkuk :-) Mengapa? Krn saat nutrisi atau seluruh komponen ASI dibentuk dlm tubuh ibu, komponen tsb tidak hanya berada dlm ASI saja melainkan jg dipergunakan oleh tubuh ibu :-)
- Coba perhatikan diri sendiri, apakah selama menyusui pernah sakit lama? mungkin hanya batuk-pilek dan itu wajarkan? Banyak sdh bukti ilmiah yg menunjukkan bahwa ibu menyusui tidak kena kanker, tidak kena osteoporosis, dsb. Allah Maha Adil.. Dia jaga setiap ibu yg menjalankan tugasnya dg kesehatan.Nah tugas ibu dg mengkonsumsi makanan sehat adalah utk membuat ibu spy dapat lebih optimal dlm mengasuh anak, agar Ibu supaya terjaga kesehatannya karena jika ibu kurang fit maka anak pula yg dirugikan bukan?
- MYTH: Breastfeeding drains your bones of calcium so you need to drinkmore milk. REALITY: According to the most recent recommendations, there's noneed to increase calcium intake during lactation. Some calcium istaken from your bones during breastfeeding, but it's replaced afterthe baby is weaned. Breastfeeding women aren't at greater risk forosteoporosis than those who those who don't. Have about 3 - 4servings of dairy products or soy drink (calcium and vitamin Dfortified) per day, in order to get the 1,000 mg of calcium per day(1,300 for teens) that women need.
- Efek jetlag dari Tandem Nursingkah?
- www.niams.nih.gov/Health_Info/Bone/Bone_Health/Pregnancy/default.asp
jcem.endojournals.org/content/86/6/2344.fullLactationThe typical daily loss of calcium in breast milk has been estimated to range from280–400 mg, although daily losses as great as 1000 mg calcium have beenreported. Again, the mother could theoretically meet this demand by increasingthe intestinal absorption of calcium, decreasing renal calcium losses, andincreasing the resorption of calcium from the maternal skeleton. A temporarydemineralization of the skeleton seems to be the main mechanism by whichlactating women meet these calcium requirements. This demineralization doesnot seem to be mediated by PTH or 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, but may bemediated by PTHrP in the setting of a fall in estrogen levels.
Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and Bone Health
This is a public information piece. Maintaining bone health during pregnancy and breastfeeding is important for lifelong health and osteoporosis prevention.
Hasil Diskusi lengkap nya,,bisa di lihat di https://www.facebook.com/groups/tanya.asi/permalink/10150595003216026/
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